Things you have already done or found - bold type
Things you would like to do or find - italics
Things you have not done or found and don't care to - plain type
Here is my contribution:
- Started your own blog. (Seven of them.)
- Slept under the stars.
- Played in a band.
- Visited Hawaii.
- Watched a meteor shower.
- Given more than you can afford to charity.
- Been to Disneyland/world. (Both.)
- Climbed a mountain.
- Held a praying mantis.
- Sang a solo. (Only to keep myself alert while driving long distances.)
- Bungee jumped.
- Visited Paris.
- Watched a lightning storm at sea. (Yes, and once was from a plane at 35,000 ft - spectacular!)
- Taught yourself an art from scratch. (Creating Web pages by writing HTML code in a text editor.)
- Adopted a child.
- Had food poisoning.
- Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty.
- Grown your own vegetables.
- Seen the Mona Lisa in France.
- Slept on an overnight train. (In Norway, and on trips from Brisbane to outback Queensland and North Queensland.)
- Had a pillow fight.
- Hitch hiked.
- Taken a sick day when you're not ill.
- Built a snow fort. (I've only even seen fresh snow once.)
- Held a lamb. (Hundreds! I grew up on a sheep grazing property.)
- Gone skinny dipping.
- Run a marathon.
- Ridden a gondola in Venice.
- Seen a total eclipse.
- Watched a sunrise or sunset. (Thousands, and it is always a joy.)
- Hit a home run. (No, but I've served an ace.)
- Been on a cruise. (A genealogy cruise.)
- Seen Niagara Falls in person.
- Visited the birthplace of your ancestors.
- Seen an Amish community.
- Taught yourself a new language. (Not unless you count HTML as a language.)
- Had enough money to be truly satisfied. (People are more important than possessions.)
- Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person.
- Gone rock climbing.
- Seen Michelangelo's David in person.
- Sung Karaoke. (Pigs might fly...)
- Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt.
- Bought a stranger a meal in a restaurant.
- Visited Africa.
- Walked on a beach by moonlight.
- Been transported in an ambulance.
- Had your portrait painted.
- Gone deep sea fishing.
- Seen the Sistine chapel in person.
- Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
- Gone scuba diving or snorkeling. (Snorkeling only.)
- Kissed in the rain.
- Played in the mud.
- Gone to a drive-in theatre.
- Been in a movie.
- Visited the Great Wall of China.
- Started a business. (A genealogy business.)
- Taken a martial arts class.
- Visited Russia.
- Served at a soup kitchen.
- Sold Girl Guide biscuits.
- Gone whale watching.
- Gotten flowers for no reason.
- Donated blood.
- Gone sky diving.
- Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp.
- Bounced a check.
- Flown in a helicopter.
- Saved a favorite childhood toy.
- Visited the Lincoln Memorial.
- Eaten Caviar.
- Pieced a quilt.
- Stood in Times Square.
- Toured the Everglades.
- Been fired from a job.
- Seen the Changing of the Guard in London.
- Broken a bone.
- Been on a speeding motorcycle. (On a motorcycle as a passenger, but it was not speeding.)
- Seen the Grand Canyon in person.
- Published a book. (A family history book plus genealogy indexes and guides.)
- Visited the Vatican.
- Bought a brand new car.
- Walked in Jerusalem.
- Had your picture in the newspaper. (Publicity for my genealogy seminars.)
- Read the entire Bible.
- Visited the White House.
- Killed and prepared an animal for eating. (Not me personally, but I saw my father do it when we lived in the country and ate our own mutton.)
- Had chickenpox. (As an adult. Horrible.)
- Saved someone's life. (So I'm told. My job involved crossmatching and issuing blood for transfusion in life-threatening situations.)
- Sat on a jury.
- Met someone famous.
- Joined a book club.
- Lost a loved one.
- Had a baby.
- Seen the Alamo in person.
- Swum in the Great Salt Lake.
- Been involved in a law suit. (Not unless you count the time I was to be called as a witness, but they settled out of court.)
- Owned a cell phone.
- Been stung by a bee.
So you went to Paris, but you didn't see the Mona Lisa?
ReplyDeleteWeird, eh?! But we were only there for two days. We were trying to see all of Europe (from Norway to Greece) with just a one month Eurail pass, as you do when you are young, ignorant and on a tight budget! We did, however, include some 'culture' later in our itinerary. We went to see the 'Night Watch', which is stunning.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Judy, thanks. I chuckled- I can relate to the mad dash through Europe on a Eurail Pass. We never thought we'd get back there;-)
ReplyDeleteSounds like neither of us is into singing either, or at least not talented.