05 September 2014

Ten Books

A friend challenged me to name ten books that have had an impact on my life. I didn't want to 'over-think' this, so here are some that quickly sprang to mind. (Yes, I know I have cheated by listing a trilogy as one item!)

Although I try to support local bookshops, sometimes it is both cheaper and more convenient to order a particular title via The Book Depository, whose excellent service includes free shipping worldwide. For out-of-print books, I search at Abe Books.
  1. Christy (Catherine Marshall)
  2. Mila 18 (Leon Uris)
  3. The Crystal Cave, The Hollow Hills and The Last Enchantment (trilogy by Mary Stewart)
  4. Weevils in the Flour: an Oral Record of the 1930s Depression in Australia (Wendy Lowenstein)
  5. To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee)
  6. The Grapes of Wrath (John Steinbeck)
  7. On the Beach (Neville Shute)
  8. You Can Heal Your Life (Louise L. Hay)
  9. Jonathan Livingston Seagull (Richard Bach)
  10. Professional Genealogy: a manual for researchers, writers, editors, lecturers and librarians (Elizabeth Shown Mills)
Number 10 is certainly not 'light reading', but it needs to be on this list because it changed the course of my life. If family history is your hobby, have a look at 'Suggested Reading (Genealogy and History)'.


1 comment:

  1. Chris, thank you! My 'Awards' page has a link to my nominations for this award and others.
